

Bring spatial computing to your business


JigSpace is the leading spatial presentation  platform for creating and sharing 3D/AR  content.

We enable non-technical users to create  stunning 3D or AR presentations from 3D  models that improve student engagement  and learning outcomes.

JigSpace - 3D presentations for teams with big ideas

JigSpace interactive navigation


Navigating Jigspace


leading spatial presentation platform

Transform how
you communicate
your product

A Jig is an interactive 3D presentation. Showcase what makes your product unique, explain concepts step-by-step, and make it real in augmented reality.

knowledge transfer

Designed for higher education and training, JigSpace is the easiest way  to create and share interactive 3D presentations:

  • Educators can easily create and share an  engaging curriculum using Augmented Reality  and 3D.
  • Use our library of 3D models or upload your  own. Combine with images, videos and audio.
  • Easy to adopt. No learning curve with our  familiar, simple-to-use interface. No coding or  specialist skills needed.
  • No need for any expensive additional  hardware. Learners can use their Android  devices, PCs, Macs, iPhones, or iPads.
  • Jigs use a familiar step-by-step structure for  immersive learning.
  • Augmented Reality is an interactive and  experiential format that promotes memory  retention. Ideally suited to technical learning in  the classroom or remote education.
  • Self-guided learning, or multi-group remote  presentations.Want to see it in action?

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